About Us

When the first concert took place, the choir only had seven members.

Now, the choir has grown, not only regarding the number of members but also regarding the music. The first rehearsal room at the theological faculty became soon too small and thus, we are now kindly housed at the parish of St. Marien.

Founder and choir director of the Gospelkombinat is Nicole Chibici-Revneanu. It was also her, who got the rehearsal room at the parish of St. Marien for the Gospelkombinat. Two concerts take place in Greifswald every year. Moreover, the Kombinat members like to travel so that three times a year, there is a choir retreat including a concert.

Address and practice room

Gospelkombinat Nordost
Bugenhagenstraße 4
17489 Greifswald

Practice time

Monday, 7:30 – 9:30 pm

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