
A small team from the choir prepared this project, foremost Barbara Peters. The Protestant School Center Martinschule in Greifswald granted us refuge on a short notice. The additional advantage here were the masses of pictures displaying portaits of pupils and teachers hanging from the rooftop that gave us the impression of having an audience...

During one exciting weekend in March 2009 we made the recordings of our selected songs; you may look at the pictures in the media center in order to reexperience this (for us) extraordinary event. Afterwards it took a long time until the actual release of the CD; really hard was the "cover casting", in which several proposals were presented to the severe jury of the Gospelkombinat...

In December 2009 the time had come: We held our first sound carrier in our hands, which shined in breezingly blue (for once not in the common "Kombinat red"). We could not await to put it into the CD player.

The CD contains relatively different songs; we posponed our idea to record the Grace Canyon Gospel Mass, a cantana or something similar to a later point in time. Most of the songs were recorded in the Martinsschule, however, we decided to add two live records that expressed a very special mood from a concert prior to the recording. The title of the CD is part of a song that we enjoy to sing regularily, a version of Psalm 121 set to musics. It begins as follows: "I lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth."

Adress och träna rum

Gospelkombinat Nordost
Bugenhagenstraße 4
17489 Greifswald


måndagar, 7:30 – 9:30 pm

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