
oesterreich 1

On August 2 and 3 we are in Graz, the home town of our choir leader. In the Church of the Cross we stand on historic ground, as this is it where she started singing and "gospeling" . This is also where her youth choir "Immanuel" used to rehearse. Together with former members from Immanuel we host a gospel workshop, which is at the same time sort of a choir reunion. Severel former singers were invited and arrived from all parts of Austria. One person even travelled from Wales. In front of this mixed choir stands Imo, the former choir leader of "Immanuel". It is a very vivid workshop - as well as the worship service on Sunday, where our choir leader gives a sermon for the first time in her "old" parish. During the evening, one could find a colorful mixture from people of the Gospelkominat (in our brandnew wardrobe) and Immanuel (in everyday clothing).

Auf Chortournee in Österreich - Radiointerview

Adress och träna rum

Gospelkombinat Nordost
Bugenhagenstraße 4
17489 Greifswald


måndagar, 7:30 – 9:30 pm

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